To put multiple LNBF C-Band in 1 parabolic antenna is not as difficult as we imagine, there is a table on the create by my friend Axelrose Forsat member.
This way is usually used if we did not use motor mover to move the parabolic antenna and will only capture some satellite at any time without changing the direction of the parabolic antenna.The point of the calculate the distance between 2 LNBF with LNBF etc is to capture more than 1 satellite in 1 parabolic antenna.
Find out size of a parabolic antenna you first tally to ease its distance and set early satellites for which targets of pointing .
The table below will help you how to determine the distance between the 2 LNB.
- Dish parabolic measurement in centi meters (1 feet = 30,48 cm) :
- 5 feet = 152,4 cm
- 6 feet = 182,88 cm
- 7 feet = 213,36 cm
- 8 feet = 243,84 cm
- 9 feet = 274,32 cm
- 10 feet = 304,80 cm
- 11 feet = 335,28 cm
- 12 feet = 365,76 cm
- 22 feet = 670,56 cm
And based on experience directly into the trial of a parabolic antenna , the distance that most easy applied to satellites in the range of five degrees , for example the satellite palapa D 113.0°E with telkom 1 108.0°E having a distance of five degrees.
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